A solvent based, cold applied bituminous compound containing a small amount of organic fibre to add strength
and stability. An effective, general purpose roof coating that is resistant to water almost immediately after
application, therefore ideally suited for winter use. Allweather Roofing Compound may be used to reseal,
waterproof and repair many different types of roof coverings, including:-
Asphalt roofs
Built-up felt roofs
Concrete roof decks
Asbestos-cement sheeting
Metal sheeting including iron, steel, zinc and lead
Slates and tiles
Allweather Roofing Compound may be used in conjunction with a rot-proof hessian reinforcement, Render mesh or a
bituminised glass fibre scrim.
Once all weather has been down at least 10 days a Solar reflective paint can be applied to prolong the life of the roof.