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Wallbarn Leaf Guard Outlet ZINC IRON

Wallbarn Leaf Guard Outlet ZINC IRON


£7.90 exc VAT £9.48 inc VAT

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Our excluders come in zinc-plated iron, plastic, and fit into all designs of circular/downpipe outlets and connectors and are compatible with all different manufactured materials.

They are designed with 12 rods at the bottom which have a slightly serrated edge, so that the leaf guard can be inserted into the hole and the edges will grip onto the inside of the drain connector or outlet, which has a series of small ridges around the inside rim of the shaft.

They are UV resistant and will withstand all normal chemicals in the atmosphere.

They can be fitted onto TPE, EPDM or PVC outlets easily without the need for fixings or bonding and can be removed and re-used without issue.

It is important to check the leaf excluders regularly and clean out the area around them.