Whether it be a new deck or over coating asphalt, asbestos, felt, concrete or metal.
RapidRoof can wateproof it and quickly!
With a curing time of 20 minutes
RapidRoof can reduce your time on site and reduces the risk from weather.
Never get caught out by rain again.
RapidRoof is highly versatile and can be used on small garage roofs up to large industrial roof refurbishment.
Suitable for multiple applications.
Green roof compatible
Can be used with GRP Trims & Corners
It's a straight forward system with in-built performance you can trust.
RapidRoof is designed so that it can be applied directly onto most surfaces without the need for primer.
This means it can be incorporated into the building of a new roof; applied onto OSB3 boards.
Alternatively used to overcoat existing old or failed membranes including; felt, asphalt, metal, GRP etc, eliminating the need for stripping the roof and disturbing the substrate, saving time and money whilst limiting disruption on site.
RapidRoof is a 2-component simple to apply system and due to its liquid application and versatility to adhere to most surfaces; RapidRoof will self terminate, in most cases eliminating the requirement for flashings, new trims and expensive detailing.
Its fully bonded application prevents water tracking and its seamless finish eliminates the risk inherent in jointed systems.
Cold weather application – designed to cure down to 0°c RapidRoof allows application even during the coldest of weather.